News, comments, and miscellaneous



[ 2010 – 04 – 19 ]  anew

Czech IGCP Grant Competition 2010: The Czech IGCP National Committee is pleased to announce continuation and modification of its limited grant program to support the research and conference expenses of Czech IGCP workers (CS-GRANT). Send your applications to the Committee until May 15, 2010, please. The results of this year's competition will be known before May 30, 2010. 

Download the Information and Application Form 2010.  

Note: Do not forget to send a short report with the documents about your payments if you will be successful – November-December 2010.

A. Vymazalova

[ 2009 – 12 – 29 ] 

A New IGCP Project with International Leaders from the Czech Republic: Happy new year 2010 from IGCP 580! We are just getting started, but note the downloadable Abstracts and Field Trip books from The First General IGCP 580 Meeting in Liege’ (Magnetic Susceptibility and Paleoenvironments), just emerging databases, expansion of project activities in various corners of the world, coming events, and so forth…. all on the IGCP 580 web pages (from Belgium).

The priority issues for this project are in magnetic susceptibility, limestones, paleoenvironments and high resolution correlation, but this project has a broad interdisciplinary background and, mainly, aims to bridge the environmental and scientific disciplines, with ambitions to develop the knowledge on the Earth system as whole, on the dynamics of environmental change, and so forth. This all relates to geosciences, physics and chemistry of the Earth, as well as life sciences, technical disciplines, physics and mathematics for the general theories and development of applied tools. For up-to-date information you may contact Leona Koptikova, the regional coordinator, at Institute of Geology AS CR.

J. Hladil

[ 2009 – 12 – 18 ] 

The vote for the new Czech IGCP NC members for 2010–2012 was closed, and the results are announced.

These committee members will be expected to contribute to the achievement of the Czech IGCP and general UNESCO and IUGS objectives and to ensuring that this work has a lasting and important impact on both the regional research communities and wider society.

[ 2009 – 04 – 30 ] 

Several days ago, The International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) headquarters in Paris published the topical documents on the new IGCP projects (launched in 2009), together with an up-to-date list of all running IGCP projects.

You can study these two documents also using the following proxy links: New projects, launched in 2009   /  An up-to-date list of all IGCP projects currently active .